Five Iron Frenzy - Where Zero Meets Fifteen
Название песни
Where Zero Meets Fifteen
Where Zero Meets Fifteen
Five Iron Frenzy
5 Minute Walk

I know nothing of bass. I don't even know if that is the name of the 
song. But I had to learn this to play at church camp so here it is.

This is the intro, main riff, and little piece in between:


Here is the pre-chorus:


Sometimes it does this at the end:


And here is the main chorus:




Where Zero Meets Fifteen
Five Iron Frenzy
5 Minute Walk

I know nothing of bass. I don't even know if that is the name of the 
song. But I had to learn this to play at church camp so here it is.

This is the intro, main riff, and little piece in between:


Here is the pre-chorus:


Sometimes it does this at the end:


And here is the main chorus:



Here is the middle section:




And thats it.Go to my page at

Comments or corrections always welcome- []

God Bless You
James Donnelly

Five Iron Frenzy - Where Zero Meets 15 (drum cover)
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